School started Tuesday of this week. A glance over my shoulder and back into the summer months has me reflecting on a few memories I wanted to include here – mostly with photos.
In July we attended the first ever Keddington Reunion (for my parents and siblings). 13 adults. 6 little people. We had a grand time. Our trip seemed providential as we learned only days before leaving that my Mother had been re-diagnosed with a brain tumor (oligodendroglioma). She is a cancer survivor, having battled a brain tumor 13 years ago. Most of you are aware of her courage through all of this. She has inspired us with her undeterred faith and her ability to conquer fear and doubt with confidence in God. She trusts completely that her life is in His hands. All of us (her children) have adopted her motto from Luke. “Fear Not; Believe Only”.
So we arrived a week before the reunion for some waterskiing, hiking and good times with both Arveseth and Keddington families. The Keddington reunion lasted three days and on the fourth – my Mom went in for her first surgery. She is doing remarkably well now, after a second surgery, and is anticipating gamma knife radiation in about 3 weeks. I am always lifted when we talk on the phone. She is able to laugh at my mothering stories, impart wisdom when appropriate, and listen. What a gift! She listens, without judgment or criticism. She knows my heart and I am so grateful for her life.
Below are some pictures from our time in Salt Lake City, UT.
Eliza and I made this “sun” for Grandma Ronda.

I think the picture of Eliza and Lizzie is my favorite! Its just so adorable. Miss you!