Eliza had us laughing all through Advent as each day the girls took turns opening a window on our Advent calendar. The calendar had a candy behind each window or door. Eliza creatively came up with the word “Candulator” for the Calendar. It’s like a calculator (we attribute her knowledge of this tool to her Dad the accountant) but it bears candy, and sounds sort of like calendar, right? A Candulator! Perfect! I had trouble correcting her because I thought it rather clever.

Romeril Family
Loved it Catherine. What a busy Christmas. Your girls are so adorable. It is great that your girls love all the girl things–they are so fun.
Love all the pictures. Your girls are so adorable and it looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. We sure miss you here in Fairfax but we’re happy you are having so much fun with family and friends in Utah.
We can’t believe how grown up the girls look! They really do look older–more than just 2 months. And the picture of Sami with her Panda-she looks just like Doug! We really missed you guys this Christmas–happy for you to be with your family and all the snow–but really felt a hole in our Christmas traditions. It was bittersweet to be downtown without you. Hope to see you all in Feb when we’re out there–even if we have to have lunch at Doug’s desk while he keeps working through tax season!
Looks like you all had a fun Christmas! I love all the pictures–can’t get enough of all those curly tops!