Dark womb with two circles in it. I stop breathing. I think to myself, “This is how it looked when I had ultrasounds with the girls…I think those are two heads – but there’s now way it could be two heads – we only put in one embryo…” The tech stops talking and holds the ultrasound wand still. Silence. (Later she told me she knew then that I knew.)

Catherine, I am truly shocked speechless, so I can't imagine how shocked you and Doug must be! Holy cow. What lucky babies to be coming to your family. I am happy and overwhelmed for you guys. We would like to help in any capacity we can. Congrats – we think you guys are the best!
Corinne (& Travis)
I believe in miracles.
So Glena told us the news last week. I told Jud–I think she might be wrong, because on her blog it only said one. Jud said, no it’s true.
WOW! Double wow!
Other than the shock of it all, it’s a beautiful blessing. We are so happy for you guys. We only wish we could be closer to lend a helping hand.
Congratulations again!
I cried through that entire post! I am just stunned and thrilled for your family. These babies could not be coming to a better home-honestly. I am so happy for you. I wish you the very best of health. Also, I would really love to see you. Can we plan to get together in the spring?
That was fun to hear the details of the whole story! We are here for whatever you need! Love you guys!
I just had to read this post again. Still stunned!! Also, since you will be needing a bigger car I want to put a plug in for the Toyota Sequoia. We bought ours in June and love, love, love the space. It seats 8 and is very comfortable. Much more comfortalbe than a school bus.
love you:)
TWINS! YAY! We’re so happy for you and Christian said is is routing for boys. I’m glad you are near family and wonderful doctors, but we still miss you. Sending you much love and a big hug!
k…I know all the details already and I still got all teary as I looked at those pictures of your sweet family! Love you!
Congratulations Catherine. Those two babies are so blessed to have you and your husband as their parents. You are definitely one of my heroes, and now you are even more so. If you ever need a free babysitter, I’m here, just give me a call 🙂
Mark and Elodie
Oh my gosh! Catherine, this is amazing! And reading your entry made me cry once again… Congratulations!
Catherine, we got your wonderful card yesterday. I am so thankful for this way of keeping up with your family!
I am so happy for you guys. Children are truly the greatest blessing. I am praying for a wonderful and safe pregnancy for you.
I have been keeping a blog mostly about Greyson too, if you ever wonder what we are up to you should stop by.
oh my! Catherine, we just got your valentines card. I am not shocked….of course Heavenly Father would sneak in another lucky kid to be your child. Good luck though….my sister had 5 under 5 for a little bit and it was a little crazy. Now her youngest are 4 and life is good. If anyone can do it, you can. So good to get caught up on your family a little. It makes me want to live next door.
OH MY!!! What wonderful news. It brought tears to my eyes. Yes! what a wonderful precious miracle. It just shows who’s in charge of our lives! I’m so happy for you both!!! I miss you all.
Brodi Ashton
Wow Cath! That is crazy! I am so excited for your little (well, kinda getting bigger) family. Love the blog. You are truly talented, my friend.
Cath! OH MY GOSH!!!! Wow. We got your beautiful Valentines card and picture. You have such a gorgeous family. And 2 more to come! That’s so exciting! And crazy! What a blessing-or two? Wow. Jonathan said congrats too! I love reading your blog. Great pics. Did Hodges do this?
Astonishing news. Unbelieveable really. I am so happy for the A’s. Take really good care. You might need me to come help on this deal.
I am still in shock for you guys. When Doug called to tell us, I couldn’t believe it. Please please let me know if you need anything-I am happy to come watch your girls if you need a nap or anything.
I’d love it for you guys if it is twin boys, but if history means anything, it’s probably going to be more girls 🙂
mom and I laughed almost crying reading your description of the whole discovery. Already knowing the news and reading how you described it , just put us in the moment. Sure glad you’re here.
I’m hoping for boys. Ty and baby parkinson need more male cousins.
love ya!
Mike and Joy
What an amazing story, Catherine. It has me in tears. Congratulations!
Joy (fleming) Williams
Hi Cath- It’s Adrienne…Joy sent me your blog link, she was SHOCKED by this news and wanted me to read it, too. I am so happy for you and think that if ANYONE can do this, it’s YOU! You have a beautiful family……
Hi, Cath and Doug!
Already sent you an email, Cath, but am so glad you reminded me about this so I can keep closer watch over you. Still in shock about the twins, but then I can see am not the only one, for sure. When will you have another glance to see who is hiding out? I agree w/Hillary that boys would be fun, but odds are for the girls. At least if it were boys, diapers would be a new adventure. And Doug wouldn’t be *quite* so outnumbered. I remember very well sitting on the top step at STS and talking about the baby thing. Who would ever have thought 5, when 1 was so elusive? Blessings! Ellen
Romeril Family
Holy Cow! Congratulations. How exciting. Catherine, you are soo great, I am sure that the Lord would send 20 to you if he could. He needs to get as many to you as possible. If anybody can do it I know you can. WOW!
Emily Scalley
Congrats Catherine! If there is anyone I know who can manage all this, it is you! I know your girls don’t know mine, but they would fit right in if you ever need someone to watch them during your Dr. appointments or ANYTIME! I would love to help you out in anyway. You are amazing!
Cath, reading this just made me break down…what a beautiful miracle! What an adventure, I am so happy and excited for you! You CAN do it, no doubt about that!
Angie told me this, since I haven’t been on your blog for awhile. UNREAL. Definitely something divinely created, and I’m sure, divinely sustained. Congrats, good luck, and our prayers are with you! We’re rooting for boys!