I’ve got a roof over my head. I’ve got a warm place to sleep. Some nights I like awake counting gifts instead of counting sheep. I’ve got a heart that can hold love. I’ve got a mind that can think. There may be times that I lose the light and let my spirit sink. But I can’t stay depressed when I remember how I’m blessed.
Grateful, grateful truly grateful I am. Grateful, grateful, blessed and duly grateful.
I love this little song sung by Art Garfunkel.
It’s been on my mind. So this week I mention a few things and people for whom I am “duly grateful.”
Thank you Doug for loving me and our girls so generously. I felt like a new Mom in St. George – actually it happened the second you climbed in behind the wheel and we began our blizzard drive towards the snowy passes of central Utah. We loved our getaway with you. I could slow down as we shared the work. It was therapy on my soul as we enjoyed our girls together. I watched with amusement as you became the instant favorite. They wanted YOU for everything (diaper changes, seat belts, food prep, swings, handholding, bedtime songs). You are the man. And thanks for finding the Red Mountain Spa and encouraging me to go that first afternoon for my much-needed pedicure. I’m not only a new Mom but a new woman with “red paint” (so Ali says) on my toes! I love you.
Thanks Grandma Nae for coming every week during tax season to watch the girls so I could grocery shop. Your bag of tricks (from songs and stories to artificial flowers planted in the yard then picked for bouquets) have the girls wrapped around your little finger. They adore you and so do I. So grateful for you.
Thanks Deb for helping me out that afternoon and evening so I could make some appointments and attend Eliza’s preschool orientation. Thanks for helping me with dinner. You saved our rice cooker from complete annihilation after I left it on the stove top AND turned the burner on underneath. Thanks for seeing the smoke and for cleaning the melted black plastic off the stovetop (while we laughed uncontrollably at the little nubbins of legs left on the rice-cooker). Your sense of humor keeps me sane. I love you. Oh! And thanks again for the muumuus – I’ll be wearing them as soon a we get a streak of warm weather. Nothing is more comfortable!
Thanks Kara for loving my girls like I do, for snuggling up with them on the couch to read books, letting me run errands, feeding them lunch. I hope you know how thankful I am to return to your house and find my girls absolutely content, happy, and accidentally calling you “Mamma.” They love you. I treasure sharing good poetry with you and talking about the inconsistencies and questions of life. I would feel so empty without your friendship.
Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us come to your house (almost unannounced) each week. For trying to fly a kite with us in your backyard, eating picnic lunches on our blanket, and letting the girls pick your tulips with abandon. Where else can they pick flowers without reprimand and jump on couches? Your strength and trust humble me.
And thanks to other friends, neighbors and family members who have called, asked if they can help, taken one or all of my girls so I can make doctor appointments, keep the house running and my wits about me. It looks like things will still be busy for Doug, but we should see him for dinner occasionally and the girls will definitely get a few “swings” or “superman flights” before bedtime. We have many gifts to count. So blessed. So grateful.
All three little ladies hiding in Eliza’s bed at the St. George house.

I had to laugh out loud when I read the part about bringing one of the lizards home to superglue, I have the sparkly refrigerator magnet lizard sitting here next to me waiting to be superglued-Emma dropped it on the kitchen floor when we were down there this weekend and it broke into 4 pieces! These kids LOVE those lizards. I may have to go find some “less-breakable” ones to keep handy for next time we go down. Glad you guys had fun! Don’t ya love Snow Canyon? That’s one of our favorite places to go too.
Brodi Ashton
Sounds like you had a great trip. Your little family is beautiful and darling. I love those curls!
Thanks for the reminder about being grateful, sometimes I get caught up in the “have not” moments and forget to remember all the “haves” 🙂
LOVE the pictures, especially at the temple, so beautiful. You are looking fabulous by the way.
This picture brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful thing for a Daddy to do – walk his girls to the temple. Before long he will be walking them there to be married to their true loves. Cherish the moments.
I can’t believe how much he girls have grown in the past six months! Looks like you had a great trip, and I love the pictures. We miss you terribly, but we know you’re in the right place!