Today (Sunday June 28th, 2009) was Homecoming Day for Spencer and Gordon! At 3 weeks 3 days old, Gordon is weighing 5 lbs and Spencer 4 lbs 8 oz.
For weeks I’ve walked past the boys’ bedroom, looked at their empty cribs, and wondered with admitted anxiety what it will be like when they are home.
Now they are here. Parents, sisters and baby boys doing better than I had thought. Ironically, both Doug and I feel a sense of relief that the boys are home. There has been a notable feeling of peace here today. (Granted. We haven’t been up all night yet for feedings.) But it feels so right and good to have all of us together – finally.
Doing “twins twice” does come with some benefits. Less worry, smaller learning curve, more confidence, and an abundance of gratitude. We hadn’t expected this two-in-one package, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything.
It was a surprise yesterday to walk into the NICU and greet the Nurse Practitioner who informed me we would take the boys home…”tomorrow!”
Tomorrow? I thought. Yikes! Really?? We were planning on discharge sometime during the week – not the weekend. Sunday was sooner than expected. But after a little paradigm shifting, emotional rallying, and a stop at Target and Babies R Us, we were pretty much ready.
There was talk of taking Gordy home Saturday, but thanks to our nurse, Melissa, who fought for the “Arveseth Mom who probably isn’t planning on taking a baby home today,” we were able to leave Gordon until Sunday so they could “monitor his weight and sodium levels.” This meant he could come home with “big” brother. Thank you Melissa!
Two days ago Gordon was weaned off the oxygen. Spencer, however, had a harder time. Without a scant whiff of O2, his oxygen saturation continued to yo-yo up and down and he had a few episodes of bradycardia. So the green light to take Spencer home came with one stipulation. Oxygen. The whole set-up is a bit cumbersome – but tubes, tanks, monitors, and all – we are glad to have both boys HOME! Above, Spencer (right), Gordon (left).
During the last week of their NICU stay, Gordon became infamous for pulling out his feeding tube. Both boys have a strong grip, especially when their diapers are being changed or they are hungry!

Thursday night I tried breast feeding both babies tandem (at the same time). I did this with Ali and Sami, determined to be more efficient with feedings. My first attempt with Gordon and Spencer was a flop. I didn’t have the sturdy nursing pillow – sure to appear in pictures at some point. You can’t miss it for its bright decorative kitties on blue print. The Mom who gave it to me (since I mailed our plain blue pillow to a friend in Texas) said “Burn it when you’re done. I never want to see it again!” It is pretty hideous. But! It did the trick.
Friday, with the help of lactation, we did it. I had both babies feeding at the same time. (Don’t imagine too hard what this must look like. I won’t be posting any pictures. At a glance it IS shocking and could easily be deemed circus-worthy.) But I was encouraged. We made it work. And the boys did great. All three of us need practice but I am able to do half bottle feeds, half breast feeds now. We’ll see how things progress.

While they fell asleep in my arms, I wanted to whisper something meaningful to them. Say something they might hear and understand. But the feeling of love and reverence was so strong I just sat there, silent. Grateful. Not wanting to dissipate the delicate moment with my inadequate words.
Before the nurse left us, she took this picture (above). It is the first time we’ve been able to capture how identical the boys really are. Aren’t they cute?
Eliza, Ali and Sami welcomed the boys home with unexpected and unsolicited tenderness. I wasn’t sure how this part would go but they were SO excited to see their new baby brothers. They kept clamoring into the garage before we had a chance to bring the boys inside. Finally, we convinced the girls to wait in the living room so we could bring the boys to them. Carefully and quietly, they knelt around their brothers. They are gathered around Gordon above.

As we tucked the boys into their beds, each big sister took turns placing their “animals” around them. They were placed, replaced and placed again, as each of the girls ceremoniously did her part to make little brother comfortable. They blew kisses and whispered good night as Doug walked them out the door.
So the days of confinement have begun. Historically, women enter their “days of confinement” during childbirth. For me, those days come after the birth and they seem to last a long while! We were counseled emphatically to “stay home” for 2-3 months. No public places for the boys. But it might take us until September to figure out how to get five car seats into the Odyssey anyhow!
So I am alright with slowing down, not showering, and getting up every three hours in the night. And I will continue to write about it, because if I don’t, I’m afraid this next year will be nothing but a blur. I want to remember. I want to leave something for my children to read. Sorry dishes, toys, and laundry – you will have to wait while I write.
Last night as I listened to the boys’ grandfathers speak about the future and what lies in store for Spence and Gordy, I was moved by a sense of power and promise. What will they do? Who will they become? Coming home is just the first step. Now they can begin their life, their mission, whatever is meant for them to accomplish.
It’s time for another feeding. I hear the boys stirring and I recall this quote by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
“In the sheltered simplicity of the first days after a baby is born, one sees again the magical closed circle, the miraculous sense of two people existing only for each other.”
In our case it is three. I love you Spencer and Gordon. So glad you are home.
Emily Scalley
Yeah Catherine – the boys are home! I still want to come over and play again with your girls so maybe you can squeeze a shower, nursing or a nap in. Your quote reminds me of another one that I recently found which really fits this stage of our life and children. "I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very spendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." (L.M. Montgomery)
Congrats! The next exciting phase begins and never forget how amazing you are!
Catherine, I know you know this already, but what a gift for writing you have! Each post of yours I read tends to bring tears to my eyes (this was no exception) but also this time I snort laughed at your "circus-worthy" comment. hilarious! congratulations on the homecoming of your beautiful baby boys. Sounds like you are ready for the crazy next few months. We are here for you. Lots of love! the Hannans.
So glad they are home. I hope that things are more "relaxed" here than the hospital and that you can enjoy it. I would go crazy not going out, so let me know what I can do to help. I'd love to do SOMETHING while we're there.
Do you want anything from Switzerland?
Congrats on the boys coming home!!! I know that must be a relief! You all look great. I am sure you will have more than enough help and you will not know what to do with it all. lol Love you all Marci
Mark and Elodie
I am so happy for you that the boys are home!
I wish you good luck as you learn step by step to adjust to this huge change in your family life!
You are in my thoughts and prayers…
(my dishes are piled up in the kitchen and I am enjoying my break as the boys are asleep!! =) )
How I wish I could come help! I know what a circus it was last time and how you were so, well trapped, for soooo long. My prayers are with you to have the strength and stamina both physically and emotionally. You are one of the most amazing people I know. You of all people CAN do this…again (little snicker, sorry). I love you!
Wow! Yay–they're home! What a great milestone! THanks for sharing the details! We're here and we would love to see you guys! I'll call you!
So wonderful to have all of your little brood home with you. What miracles they all are. You and Doug are so lucky!
Wow is all that I can think of you say. They are beautiful, you are so blessed and such a wonderful family.
Congratulations Catherine! I have been following your posts and am so glad Spencer and Gordon are home and doing well. I really can't imagine how it must be – we are in our days of confinement too – little Cade is 2 1/2 weeks now and all company is leaving – yikes! So the necessities will get taken care of but other things will have to wait until it is all figured out. Good luck with your balancing act and enjoy!
Your boys are precious! I love reading your blog, you always offer such inspiring words! You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you!
Seriously, anytime I think it's hard to have a newborn I think of you with 5 under 5 and I forget everything that seems hard about my life. I hope the home transition goes smoothly!
I'm glad they're home and doing well! Good Luck!
Cath- Thank you for keeping us all up to date. You are amazing- the boys are precious…but enjoy being home. I just had the kids with me at the Nordstrom sale, and Bensten knew instantly that he was in a store. He started screaming at the top of his lungs. I was suddenly one of those crazy moms that I swore I would never be….shopping despite my screaming child. The girls are sooo good on shopping trips. The boy- NOT so much!! But they are so much fun. I am so happy you get to experience it- two-fold!! Miss you so much. xo, Heath
Cath- Thank you for keeping us all up to date. You are amazing- the boys are precious…but enjoy being home. I just had the kids with me at the Nordstrom sale, and Bensten knew instantly that he was in a store. He started screaming at the top of his lungs. I was suddenly one of those crazy moms that I swore I would never be….shopping despite my screaming child. The girls are sooo good on shopping trips. The boy- NOT so much!! But they are so much fun. I am so happy you get to experience it- two-fold!! Miss you so much. xo, Heath