Lots of tender talk and kisses on foreheads. These boys are loved loved loved by their big sisters. (Ali with Gordy).

We’ve had some visitors. This is baby Ethen (Dave and Shirlee’s four month old boy). He and his sister Maya (yellow crocks below) came to visit from Switzerland. It was wonderful to have them there. But not long enough. And by November they will have relocated to Cairo! Wow. Take me with you! We wish you guys lived closer but maybe once we get these babies bigger we can come and visit!

Great post Catherine! You always have such a great attitude!!! I think it is easier to be stuck indoors during the winter. . . however, when you have to be inside, those few nice moments outside in the summer are precious, huh? I love the picture of the doll in time-out. I always laugh when I hear Jessica talking to her doll "children" in a certain parenting tone of voice that I must use too often with her. She is such a parrot. Love you Cath! I'm glad you are hanging in there!
Hey Catherine! I just left a long comment, but I guess it didn't post. Just wanted to let you know I am always impressed with your attitude. I'm glad you are hanging in there!
Its hard to believe you been gone almost 9 months now–its been so nice to keep up to date with your happenings on your blog. You are amazing to juggle so much–and you are right, you are where you need to be, doing what you need to be doing! Those little ones are ALL so darling! We miss you!
Steph – I know it's hard to believe a whole gestation (9 months) since we left Fairfax. We still think of everyone there daily and miss all of you. I enjoy keeping up on your blog as well. The girls are so darling!
And Tricia – thanks for the note. It's true. Our children are always modeling (and mostly after us!) Telling when you hear yourself in their words or tone of voice! Your family is so cute. It was great to see McKay. Thanks for connecting. Love you too!
Brodi Ashton
Love your posts, Cath. I especially love how your girls sing to the boys. Carter once sang a lullaby to Beckham. It involved monsters, ghosts, and the incredible creeping goo.
Brodi. Thanks for your comment. With all the sparkles, rainbows and pink around here – some incredible creeping goo would be a nice change! Thanks for stopping in this week. It was so fun to see you. And Carter too! I hope he enjoyed his cookie!
You are beautiful. Inside and Out. I'm yearning for your friendship these days. I miss you more than I can express. Thanks for the blog posts. It makes me feel connected to you again, if only for a moment. Somehow, I just know, you are one of those forever friends. When we meet again, we will pick up conversation like it never ended. We are just that sort of connected. Love you.
Ang. Thanks for your sweet note. Ditto here. I see your blog, the pics of your yard, and remember all our good mothering times with the kiddos there in Fairfax. I was just talking about you with my Mom the other day. It makes me miss you and VA. You are indeed a "bosom friend". For that I am so grateful! I love and miss you!
Ang. Thanks for your sweet note. Ditto here. I see your blog, the pics of your yard, and remember all our good mothering times with the kiddos there in Fairfax. I was just talking about you with my Mom the other day. It makes me miss you and VA. You are indeed a "bosom friend". For that I am so grateful! I love and miss you!
That first photo of you holding both of your boys like that brings back memories. I have very similar photos. 🙂