Hurrah for Maiden Voyages! We’ve had three now. Saturday I loaded all five kids into the car and went to my Mom’s house so the girls could play. It took me 24 minutes. I timed us. Hair done, clothes on, bags packed, but no one in their car seats – I began the stop watch. 24 minutes later I had all five children secured in their car seats and was turning the ignition to our Odyssey. I’d like to think we’ll shave some time off our initial run over the next few weeks or months, but a new record would depend largely upon participant compliance. I’ll keep you posted.

Sounds like you are keeping things together nicely, I am glad that you are doing so well. We have some exciting news in our home!!
You my dear are a ROCK STAR!! I'm sure you turned some heads while walking with five little ones "4 and under":)
LOVE it! Ella did the same thing once, ahem, actually -I- put her skort on stuffing both legs into the same hole. Too funny.
So glad Spencer has been of oxygen for a few days. Is he off for good now? I also love the picture of the girls in their pigtails, and the story of shuffling Ali. LOVE IT! I totally can relate. Austin will run at mock speed if it's something he initiates himself, but any other time he's slow as molasses. Patience is very limited when these instances occur. Also, don't worry about not running…you've always been in amazing shape. You'll spring back in no time. I haven't run in months! I tore my meniscus in my left knee. Did you know an Orthopaedic Dr. named Dr. Brent Ain here? He's fabulous. He's doing my knee surgery at Fair Oaks Sept 30.
Tamara!!! Do tell! Do I hear rumblings of baby news??? We sure hope so!
Erin – love your comment. Even better that it was YOU that stuffed Ella's legs into her skort!
And Ang – Dr. Ain sounds familiar but I didn't receive referrals from him specifically. Had no idea you were going to have surgery!! Hopefully it's just a clean-up job and you'll be hitting the pavement again soon! As for amazing shape – ummmm.. that's you my dear!