My favorite Christmas gift this year? Having Doug home for the Holidays.

Not just Christmas and New Year’s…but everything in between. Doug took leave from the office December 23rd through January 7th. We had a wonderful time.
It was good to soak him up, every day, every minute – since I can feel Tax Season (boo… hiss…) lurking just around the corner. Before we know it, he’ll be working evenings and Saturdays, the girls will be missing their Daddy and I’ll be whistling a slightly different tune. Like It’s a Hard Knock Life instead of Zippety-Doo-Dah.
So. We had this fabulous Daddy time, Doug returned to work for one week and then WHAMMO! The stomach flu struck!
Man. We’d been doing so well!
It hit our family hard. First Eliza. She vomited all Saturday night.
Sunday we kept everyone home quarantine style.
“No! You can’t play with the boys right now! I know you want to give them kisses but not for a few days!”
“Yes, you can have another popsicle. Wait! Ali, Sami! Let’s not share licks, okay?”
“But Mom – Look! We’re sharing!” They hold their popsicles out for the other one to lick. Then before I can cease the affectionate germ-share, they plop their pops back into their own pie holes.
I’m too late.
Doug comes home from work early Monday afternoon (his stomach is a bit churny) and the puking begins. He and Ali start about the same time. Sami starts after midnight.
This is what the living room looked like around 2AM. I was Florence Nightingale incarnate – running from bed to bed, shoving bowls under chins, rushing girls to the tub to wash them off, loading the laundry again and again, and cleaning up all the nasty aftermath. We went through an entire canister of Clorox wipes and I have no idea how many times I rinsed out sheets or pajamas and jammed the washing machine full of fetid fabric.

Santa was there! He knew the girls’ names AND what they wanted for Christmas! Eliza was pretty stoked about his North Pole intuition.

Santa tried to save a few pennies by staying up late making Ali and Sami’s boxes (rather than calling Pottery Barn like he did for Eliza’s). Unfortunately Sami threw hers a few days later and the top split. Ali has dropped hers an oodle of times but, surprisingly, it remains functional. This indifferent destruction made Santa wonder if all those overtime hours were worth it.

Sock monkey jack-in-the-box for Spencer.

Brodi Ashton
Cath- I'm so happy the flu is over at your house. It is right?
I loved this post, with all the darling traditions and the little Christmas elf. You are truly amazing. I have two kids, and I barely get around to setting up the tree, let alone decorating it.
Yes Brod – it's over. Feel free to come calling anytime now. And I'll actually let you INSIDE the house! The bread you brought really was the perfect treat!
Oh! We miss you all so much. Your girls are GORGEOUS. I LOVE their curls. I hope we get enough snow again to take Ella sledding (and I hope we can find a good enough hill nearby).
Tell me more about this elf thing. I think I like the idea.
so sorry about the stomach flu! the worst. love mr peeps, i might borrow that tradition next year! also, the pictures of your beautiful girls in their red jammies – precious! and then the picture of all 5 of your gorgeous babies in their red jammies – precious x 5! what adorable children. love your blog. i would love to see you guys. it seems like life is speeding by and we live so close but so far away! argh!
Erin – Yes! VA needs a big snow again! For more about Mr. Peeps – check out this post.
And thanks for the lady bug cake recipes. You da best Erin!
Corinne – this is silly! Let's just get something on the calendar! Can you guys come for Sunday dinner some time? Or are Sundays out?