49 days later (give or take a few), with the Christmas tree at the curb and my last amaryllis in bloom, I finally finished that review.
Mormon Women affected me deeply. In 1996 Kent Miles and Jim Kimball began a unique project: Tell the story of Mormon women. I’m talking about members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not polygamists or Warren Jeffs worshipers. REAL Mormon women.
There was no shortage. They worked off referrals and ending up traveling the globe.

Debbie / Cranberry Fries
Hey Cath, I'm happy to help any time! Here is the link that I used to get the widget http://www.linkwithin.com/learn
I believe you just type in your info in on the right and it'll create the code and then paste the html code into your site (I think it says you can put it anywhere in your blog and it'll read your info). If you have more questions let me know and I can for sure break it down more!
By the way, if I remember correctly I think it took a while for it to load up my pages. Also the longer I have it the better it relates the posts to one another.
Good luck!
Catherine, you are AMAZING! I'm continually impressed by how you are not only able to successfully raise a family, but can find time to read incredible books and share your opinions of them with us. Thanks for being an inspiration!
I read John Adams a couple of years ago. I started off thinking that I probably wouldn't finished it, but then absolutely was hooked. I mean, it was fascinating. It affected me so much, that right now I am reading a biography of George Washington, and I have also read 1776. The times of John Adams were so pivotal in our nation's history and the individuals were all so much more complex and interesting than I thought from my high school US history days. I loved it.
Mary – I guess we find time for what we love, right? Even if only in snatches.
Michelle – Glad to know you loved McCullough's Adams. It was Doug's favorite read last year. A friend of mine also lent me Irving Stone's Those Who Love – about Abigail and John. Have you read that one? I appreciate your opinions Michelle. Thanks for chiming in!
And Debbie – bless you for getting back to me so fast! I'll give it a go and let you know how it pans out. Thanks a ton!
loved loved loved Crossing to Safety
wow…Left to Tell
will pick up Mormon Women at your recommendation.
oh, by the way, did I mention that i really liked Crossing to Safety? xox
Cristie – So glad to hear you loved Crossing to Safety. I'll move it closer to the top of my list!
Thank you for your reviews. I'm planning to add these to my lists. I was heading out to my mission just weeks after the genocide started and I didn't even have a clue. The movie "Hotel Rwanda" is a must-see. I had to avert my eyes during parts of it.
Erin – thanks for the reminder. I forgot about that movie – Hotel Rwanda. I never saw it. But you're right – sounds like I need to now!
Debbie / Cranberry Fries
Hey it looks like it's working well! To be honest I have no idea if it reads the tags or the titles. I'll check into it though and let ya know.
Brodi Ashton
Loved your reviews. I used several quotes from Left To Tell in my sacrament talk a few months ago- that's how much I loved her courage and her faith.
As for your stack, I loved The Way He Lived and Everything is Fine, but I also love the women who wrote those!
Brod! Do you also know Ann Dee Ellis? I'm part way through that one. Fascinating how she structured the book. Finished Hunger Games. Phew – Intense. Like a scary movie I couldn't turn off. I'll review that one in a later post. And looking forward to reading Emily's book.
hello cath! i was so moved by "left to tell" and i am glad you too enjoyed it. what an amazing triumph and what inspiring faith. along the lines of "man's search for meaning" by victor frankl. absolute must-reads, in my book.
I loved both the hunger games books (hungry for the next one too!) and i am currently reading 2 love & logic books.
angle of repose has been on my must read shelf for years now, as has my antonia.
i'm interested in the book i saw on your shelf titled "siblings without rivalry…" who recommended it? have you read it yet? please let me know, i may have to add that one.
cath, are you on goodreads? you must get on goodreads. you can also post your reviews there and rate books – it is like facebook for true book lovers. if you get on there please friend me!
Loved finding your blog. You are amazing.
Andrea!! Loved finding YOUR blog! Thanks for stopping in. Sure do miss you guys!
Corinne – Siblings without Rivalry was recommended by my friend Martha, who is an exceptional Mother. She also has twins and said it's great for parents with multiples. I've started Angle of Repose three times. Something always ends up trumping it. I need to just dive in. As for Willa Cather – beautiful.
Good Reads. hmmmm… I've been debating for a year now. I'm worried it will just be one more thing for me to keep up. But I HAVE thought about it! Maybe in another year, when I can actually follow the news, shower daily, eat lunch. You know – things like that!
Do we have a dinner date yet??