Even before the boys were born, one question kept me up at night. How am I going to meet everyone’s needs?
The boys are 8 months old this week and I still wrestle with this question. Not so much at night because I’m dog-tired. But in the day to day grind – when structure and order unravel. When entropy works its predictable destruction and I dash about the house with little ones toddling after me, needing me. All at the same time.
Usually, they’re asking for small things like tying a bow, putting their baby doll’s dress on, a drink of water. Those kind of needs I can squeeze in quickly (usually). But minutes later I can sense they need my time. I see it in the book they are handing me to read, the blanket they are thrusting up to me, wanting to be snuggled.

repeat after me…I AM AN OUTSTANDING MOTHER…because you are.
i cannot convince you of this fact, but our Father will whisper this to you day in and day out as you TRY.
that's right. trying is enough. in fact it is plenty and then He will pick up the slack.
trust me on this. xox
Thanks Cristie… sniffle…sniffle.. I believe you. Trying IS enough.
Cath, besides being an incredibly amazing mother, because you are, you have given your children one of the absolute greatest gifts… siblings. end of story.
i wrestle with this same dilemma (on a much smaller scale of course) but more than anything i can give my boys is the relationship they will have with each other. at least that's what gets me through it.
I often find myself just trying to get through the day, and being grateful when I do. Hilde was really sad the other day and when I talked to her about it I could tell that she just missed me. I really felt like I was spending quality time with her, but it clearly wasn't enough. At least not right at that moment. I am grateful that the older two can help each other and play with each other, and I know that will serve them well later in life. But I do wish I had more time with them each individually. And I always make sure to hug and kiss them several times in the day, I need it just as much as they do.
you are an amazing mother. i love your posts and feel i can do much better myself.
it is so good for your kids to be able to learn to help themselves from time to time. they learn from this, they can feel independent and self reliant. that's what we want. those sweet little people came to you for a reason. lucky and blessed they are!
i am so sorry for all the sickness in your home. i remember doing nebulizer treatments for one child!! i can't imagine the time you must spend with that machine going for multiples.
you are a great example to me . . . i love the kids artwork hanging on your walls. what a happy place to be:)
Cath, you are doing awesome!And don't worry! Children learn patience and they are not the center of the universe if they have to wait a minute for help. That is a GOOD thing! Something that is missing in many children I meet. The most important thing is that your children know you love them. That's all they need! Believe me, Elize will be fine entering kindergarten without you having taught her everything beforehand. They start at the basics. She probably knows more than enough now. She'll be bored! Worry about helping her with alphabet letters, numbers and name-writing in 8 months. You don't have to do everything now. One of the best lessons my Dad ever taught me was that 'to every thing there is a season.' Wish we lived closer and could help! I'll just pray for you. How's that?
Oh, sorry for the typos….
Corinne – thanks for your perspective. I agree – to have siblings is a wonderful gift! Funny how – that very gift is what creates the conundrum! I'm glad to know you wrestle with this too. I don't know how you balance it all! I think you're amazing! And so glad you have someone you trust to help you out!
Michelle – you need it just as much as they do (!) That changed my life. Thanks.
Alison – Baby Einstein and the Nebulizer – great combo. We've been doing both a significant chunk of the day. Thanks so much for your thoughts. You're right – we want our children to be strong and independent. You're a great example to me of a committed mother who loves what she is doing for her family. Glad we are connected this way.
Jill – Ecclesiastes. To everything there is a season. How good to remember. I'm definitely flawed in seeing everything that needs to be done and trying to do it NOW! Thanks for the chill pill. We wish you were closer too!!
Even though I am half way around the world, I still KNOW you. You are an amazing mother. In fact, I feel rejuvinated to be a better mom myself after reading your posts. Seriously! We do what we can and then HE makes up for the difference. I am counting on that in my own house! Yeah, yeah so the laundry doesnt quite get done or the dishes are sitting in the sink (right now at my house.) But your kids will know mom was the best and cared for us like no one else could. Love you and miss you! ps: love the women of the old testament book. it is wonderful!
Marti – so glad to hear from you! We do what we can right, and turn the rest over. I must say I know we're being helped, in divine ways, often. How else would I have made it this far? Thanks for your wisdom – far flung from Ethiopia. And so glad you enjoyed Olsen's book. It's fantastic, isn't it?
Miss you Marti! Give Glori Sue a hug from Eliza. We love you!
Man. Didn't mean for this to be an "I need a pat on the back" blog post. But I sure do appreciate everyone's comments. You all inspire me.
Brodi Ashton
Everybody's said it better than me, so, just know you are loved by your children and your Father in Heaven.
You're doing great. I have the same worries, and I only have two, so you are asking yourself the universal conundrum of Every Mother.
The universe answers: yes, it is enough.
Brod – thank you. I value your encouragement. And thanks for speaking on behalf of the universe. It seems to listen when you talk.