I know it’s coming down to the wire. Mother’s Day is ummmmmm… two days away! I should have had this article written two weeks ago. But in between finding a place to live, one throwing-up baby (not two… knock on wood) and the regular whir of day-to-day stuff, there hasn’t been much time!
If you’re still wondering what to give for Mother’s Day, click here and survey my ten books for Mom that ran on Meridian today. All are written by LDS authors but for you – my dear friends of other faiths – some transcend the world of Mormonism and appeal to Moms everywhere.

i just read this today… so glad you decided to share this great information here as well!
you've been busy reading 🙂 xox
Thank you…I've only read Shawni's so I'll have to get the others too. I think you would also LOVE this book: Mitten Strings for God. It is SO beautifully written…I swear, it is like yoga for the mind…about slowing down and centering your mind on parenting and rejecting the hustle and bustle of the world.
yeah, we love you Cath. Thanks!
When do you need your photo? Call me, I'm in the book. 🙂
I can't find your email addy so I'm just communicating here. 😉 I live right by Children's Disco– my house is two doors away. The hotel looking house on the corner is in foreclosure– it might be just the right size for your family… There's no sign up.
Sarah – yes. Katrina Kenison. Yoga for the mind – I love that. Her book is exactly that. Creating a space for silence – harder than you think it would be sometimes. But her book is wonderful. A great addition to this list. Thanks! Have you read her second, Gift of an Ordinary Day?
Michelle – thank you. And thanks for the house idea. I'll call you next week. Working through the stomach flu right now, the kiddos and me. Bah.