I love the view from here. This home.
Walk out our front door and into the street a few paces south, look east, and this is what you see.
Living away from the mountains so long, I forgot what a comfort they are. How they surround, protect, lift my eyes upward – away from those shuffling, stumbling feet.
Mount Olympus has a face. And it changes often throughout the day. It can be moody and shrouded, caught in a haze of gray moisture.

Sometimes it is patched over with white clouds, fluffy and low, drifting across the bench. Or when the sun is unleashed, it is clean, cut-sharp, and clearly outlined by a big blue sky.

Yes, I love the view from here. This window where I wash dishes, rinse bottles, and watch the neighborhood go by.
During winter, my view of Olympus is unveiled, unobstructed. Except for the branching skeleton of a tree in the front yard. I look through often. Up and beyond. And my mood can change with the mountain. Quick as that.
By April’s end, the trees were leafing out.

Slowly drawing the veil, impairing my view.

In a matter of weeks, they tripled in size. The maples became full, and a canopy of green once again enfolded our home.
I wish we could stay here – in this house on the corner. But we’re short on time. Only two more weeks and we will uproot, resettle, begin again. But not entirely. When details are firm, I will say where we are going.
It’s been hard to think of starting new – somewhere else – after such a short time of integration. Especially since we have loved this place, and the people, so much. I feel like I haven’t had time to give. Only to take.
Before children, change was easy. I sought it out – loved it. Bring on the new!
Now, I resist it – more than I thought I would.
Maybe I’m getting soft. Maybe I’m too fearful. Maybe I’m just ready to find a place to stop and stay. At least for a while.
Until then, I keep remembering it’s not about the house. It’s about the life lived there. And ours is good.
As Spring began to work its way out of the cold ground, we ventured outside as much as we could. The girls began setting the fairy tables.

We discovered a bird’s nest in a tree by the garage.

And Eliza painted her own bird house to welcome the return of all winged flyers.

With several nests already built nearby, we turned the dwelling into a feeder and hung it by the kitchen window.
During meals we’ve watched them come. Black and white chickadees, red-faced finches, and an occasional hulking mountain jay, who hangs on the trim, making it swing back and forth.
Our favorite family of quail came back too. They pick up the fallen seed – scratching and pecking in the dirt, spraying wood chips onto the driveway. A whole new world has opened up to the girls.
We’ve been on treasure hunts for signs and smells of Spring.

And while waiting for the new season to unearth, we brought Spring inside – filling vase after vase with paper flowers. Until there were no more to make.

These were a gift from our friend Heather, in Virginia. Thanks Heath. The girls kept flowers in their rooms, danced with them in the living room, and used them for centerpieces. It was the perfect indoor project.
I’ve been trying to capture a few other views from here. Views I love.
Ali talking to her Dad on the phone (during tax season). Can you see the love on her face? Doug is coming home from Denver tonight – a short trip – but on the heels of more long nights post tax-season. Eliza left him a message today asking him how many years it has been since we’ve seen him. They miss their Daddy.

Sami sleeping in afternoon light. I’m napping the twins every other day now. So when they go out, they sleep hard. Sami rarely moves.

The obvious: This little guy has big sisters. I’ve caught all sorts of bows, headbands and hats on the boys. All I can do is laugh. Poor fellas.

Spencer and Gordon. I find them like this often. Sidled next to each other, sitting back to back, entertaining themselves. Makes for a nice back rest, I guess. I think it’s very cute. Here they are playing with the old abacuses at Grandma’s house. Beads I used to push when I was little.

And Eliza painting. Always painting. Her artwork hangs next to my bed, on the back of our bedroom door, in her room, and above the kitchen table. It makes me so happy.

I’m sure the view from our next stopping place will be happy too. But I’m going to miss this spot. It’s sacred. We came as five. We are leaving as seven. So much time has been spent inside these walls. Milk, tears, dancing, stories, maple leaves, meals in the windowsill, and all those changing clouds on the mountain. The walls seem hallowed now.
Yes. I have loved the view from here.
While I was home, I, too, just stopped and stared at Mt. Olympus more than once. It was so beautiful. The mountains in general made me comment to Dave more than once about how gorgeous they are. I loved the colors they produced. Already green, even though there was snow on them. And in the evenings, the purple majesty truly shone through. I really stopped to admire these treasures since all I am surrounded with in Egypt is bland sand. No color in sight unless you water it every day. Luckily I live in a neighborhood where people can afford to do that. I packed some seeds in my suitcase I got at Lowes, and Maya has been growing herself a sunflower.
Enough with the suspense, I want to know where you are going! Is this move "permanent" or temporary?
Thanks for the peek into your view. I feel all comfortable and cozy after reading your post.
your photos really reflect a full happy heart. you will always love where you live. xox
I love your view on life.
Hmm, how busy are you Monday morning? Any chance your beautiful 5 year old would model for me?
Shirlee – Loved your take on the mountains. And the fact that Maya is growing a sunflower. Every speck of color there is just that more beautiful!
Shells – another temporary move – not sure how long – and local. Nowhere exciting like England! Shucks.
Andrea – still reeling over your diamond story – truly amazing. And glad that it's behind you, so can actually feel comfortable and cozy! 🙂
Cristie – Yes. "Things will work out." Right?
Michelle – sent you an email this afternoon. The answer is YES!
cath i luv those mountains too…we have beautiful moutains here in colorado but they are at a distance, when i am "home" in utah i feel all nestled in with them…they are breathtaking.
i, like you, use to luv the thought of new adventure…now i just yearn to be settled…next to family in utah & closer to cam's in idaho. i want my girls to grow-up with thier cousins, aunt, uncles, grandparents…like both cam & i did. most people give me a rolling of the eyes when i tell them we would like to move closer to family in utah ("why would you ever more there") but there comes a point in your life, at least for me, where i yearn for my family, my mom's couch, walks with my sisters, quick over night trips to park city, family celebrations, etc…espeically on sunday's like this when cam is at work 🙂
*luv your mother's day trib as well! savannah's art work is also everywhere in my house, next to my computer there is her drawing of a rainbow and "i lobe you mommy!"
Really?? You can't say, "When things firm up, I will let you know where we are going." Spill it!
Cami – I know. Utah gets a bad rap when you live elsewhere. But we wouldn't have made it this past year without the help of our families. Not to mention our amazing ward! I've been so thankful. I loved your list of thing you miss – your mother's couch. Funny – what comes to mean "home" for us. Thanks Cami!
Cristine – I know. If our plans were more solidified I'd have no problem spilling it. But we're still figuring things out. Nothing like taking it down to the wire. Last week I thought I was going to get an ulcer over the whole predicament. Hopefully I'll have news soon.
The big kitchen window in home I grew up in Murray faced Mt. Olympus directly from the west, and it has always been the "anchor" of the valley for me. When we drove through Utah last summer before our move, we came out of Parley's Canyon and there was Olympus on the south–Anne and Maggie both "ooooohed" in the awe of that mountain. Totally made my day.
Look forward to hearing about the move!