Back in February, my friend Melissa Bradford (you know her as Global Mom) came from the beautiful Swiss Alps for her two-week book tour. She started in Boston, where she spoke at the Harvard Business School (among other venues), and eventually made it to Michelle’s home in Salt Lake City for her last speaking engagement. The next morning she flew back to Geneva.

At Michelle’s home, she spoke about language, offering wonderful insights into her family’s life abroad. Everywhere Melissa has lived she’s made great effort to learn the language. Because all human beings, she said, need to be understood. And learning to speak to someone in their own language says you value them. Her perspective made me want to grab my family, leap on a plane, and barrel out of this place into the big wide world.Melissa managed a superhuman schedule of 17 events in 6 days while she was in Utah. She said the airport didn’t lose her luggage; they lost her voice.
But she held up remarkably well. And I was grateful for the few minutes we had to talk. I was also happy to introduce her to some of my closest friends. Women who have visited the land of loss.
Equally delightful, was the chance to meet her parents.
See her mother with silver hair in the red love seat? Her father seated behind? Melissa’s Dad, who is an excellent photographer, took photos. And her mother looked at her with such admiration, I tried to capture it here. They adore her. It’s obvious they are proud of who she is.
Melissa wrote this stunning post about her mother – evidence of how tightly they have held on to each other.
As I grow older, I realize, the mother-child relationship is one you never stop needing. A need that goes both ways. Mother needing child. Child needing mother.
For those of you who told me you still have questions about Melissa, Michelle wrote an excellent post titled, What you probably don’t know about MDB.
Melissa’s second book, On Loss and Living Onward, will be out May 2014. And you can read her perspective on the book tour, here.
Melissa, you bless my life. Sending you love.
So I’ve been thinking a lot about motherhood this week. Our second Power of Moms book launches next week. More below. I recorded a podcast today with April Perry about the book. There are motherhood retreats coming up, book launch events, book signings.
And yet, all of that is just a spin-off of motherhood.
In my home, in the chaotic mess of it all, is the real deal.
As I plopped into bed last week, with Doug out of town and the house an epic disaster (which I figured the morning-me would handle better than the midnight-me), I opened a church magazine and read this quote by Rachel Jankovic:
“Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling… it is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.”Don’t you love that gentle reminder?
Motherhood. Why we’re here. Why we wake up every morning and try again. To do it better.

Also on my mind, is my little Sister Sarah, who is delivering her first baby as I type! A girl!
We gathered last month to celebrate this long awaited miracle.
The sweetest gift of the day was this quilt my niece, Lizzie, made for her. All. By. Herself. Deb (her mom) guided her. But Lizzie did all the cutting, piecing, and sewing.
Isn’t that amazing? What a treasure.
And now some Power of Moms stuff to tell you about.
Power of Moms Radio launched last month and is taking off! Currently, the website is averaging 1500 downloads a day.
Here’s how it works. Go to this link and subscribe to the podcasts via iTunes (tutorial on the website) or click on the list of podcasts available on that page. If you listen and like what you hear, rate and review POMs radio on iTunes. That will help us spread the word about this great resource.
All kinds of mothering topics are being discussed.
Recently, I listened to the “laundry” podcast, hoping for ideas. Because laundry and I are in this competition and laundry is schooling me. Every week.
My latest tactic: folding while I sit here. Next to the piano as I help the girls practice.
It’s working. Some of the time.
I’ve also been listening while I do dishes or fold laundry at night.
And here’s why I love Power of Moms. They’re not there to set an idealistic expectation of what kind of mother you should be. All the women participating are down-to-earth, real women, with real challenges, who simply want to help other mothers feel good about their mothering. So they offer resources that empower, ideas that get you thinking, and a feeling of camaraderie. This community has given me a real sense of support in my mothering.
Especially exciting is the launch of our new book! Slated for April 8th. But I think we’re bumping it up to March 24th! Because Amazon is already filling orders.
But please don’t purchase until March 24th.
Why? April, Saren, and the publishers had this grand idea… to get our book on the New York Times Bestseller list. I know, kinda pie in the sky. But with the enormous readership POMs has, we think it’s a possibility.
I love the women who contributed to this. They are honest, imperfect, but striving. Just like you.
So will you help us?
Spread the word on Monday (March 24th) and encourage friends to buy the book THAT week. I’ll post a reminder on Monday.
waiting for cakes to bake
Other events you might want to join us for:
Book Launch Event. Thursday April 3rd in downtown Salt Lake City. I’ll be there, along with some of the other authors. We’ll do some short readings and mingle. There will be refreshments, and an opportunity to buy the book at a discounted price. Sign up here.
Power of Moms Park City Retreat. Biggest Retreat of the year. May 3rd. I’d love to see you there. April and Saren do a fabulous job at these retreats. They give moms great tools, provide wonderful food, and discuss topics like progress, priorities, and joy, with an introduction to family systems. Register here.

The publishers sent us this poster to use and I love it.
Important. Crazy. Beautiful. Motherhood. All in one sentence.
Exactly how it is.
Holler if you have any questions. And happy weekend!
Cath, I have a question: can we be neighbours?
I can't wait to read the next book, and listen to the podcasts. You do my heart good.
Ah Kel, yes! Move to Utah, will you? 😉 Thanks for your constant support. You always fill my heart. Love you.
Frau Mahlzahn
It says on the German amazon the book won't be available with them until April 8th, but I'll send in the order on MOnday, if that helps (but I will have to give the book to someone else, because it's one of my Lent resolutions not to buy anymore books until I read all the ones that are sitting on my nightstand…
I love the picture of you and Gordon, and I remember those times well — they make up for all that didn't go well that day and you can't help but just wholeheartedly love these little guys, ;-).
So long,
Corinna, yes, April 8th is the official launch date, but apparently for those who are placing pre-orders, Amazon is already sending them out. That said, yes, PLEASE wait until March 24th. Every sale after that date will boost us towards the NY Times. And hey! Who said we can't shoot for the moon?! 🙂
And you're so right about those moments of holding – of loving our children – especially on hard days. They heal the bond. Your love for your children is so beautiful. xoxo
And Corinna, your resolve for lent made me smile. I've made the same decision before but never done it. 😉 Go you!