Books that rank on best-seller lists become topics that get attention in the larger world. So topping national book lists would open media discussions around the ideas in our book. Like redefining social media’s concept of a “good mom,” being more present in our mothering, identifying personal strengths, and encouraging each other, rather than comparing with each other. We think that conversation would be incredibly valuable.
By the end of business day Monday, Motherhood Realized moved up to Amazon’s #1 best seller spot for books on motherhood. And it’s currently at #4 in parenting books!
Thanks so much for all the buzz and support.
Yesterday, I sat down to read a few chapters in the book and I found myself getting emotional over the words and ideas. That says to me, that this book is full of life-truths that will bless mothers everywhere. Wise, insightful women have written these essays. They’re lovely. And even yesterday, I felt the inspiration of those pages.
Feel free to share this link, text friends, email your circles.
I’m not on Facebook a whole lot, and Instagram I try to keep to mornings and evenings. But this week, I’ve had to be on both, more than usual. I’ve choked up everyone’s feeds with updates and an overload of book talk. (Sorry, friends.)
I’ll be glad when I can crawl into a hole for a while, and move quietly through our daily life, without distraction. This big book push has been so exciting. But it has also felt like a balloon (still filling with air) in the corner of my head, occupying space. Book promotion takes a lot of time.
However, with a launch team of 300 women and the crazy connection of social media, the word is officially out! And we’re thrilled with the success.
Lastly, April Perry and I had a fun discussion last week about one of my essays in the book, Say Yes! Below is the link if you’d like to give a listen. (Listen kindly. I overused a few phrases and didn’t connect the dots as well as I would have liked. But we had a good time!)
I wrote Say Yes! four years ago, before our boys were even a year old. So my understanding of “saying yes” has definitely evolved. April and I talk about that in the podcast.
Friends, thanks for all your generous support. You’ve created a community here of people I trust, love, and learn from. So many of you have encouraged me through difficult times and helped me mother better. I have watched you, read about you, observed you, and been inspired by you.
I appreciate you so very much.
Kristen Carol
Early on in my mothering I read that Marjorie Pay Hinkley always tried to say yes to her children. It stuck with me and it really is freeing like you said in your podcast. It might be a bit messier but we are happier when I don't try to micro manage everyone. Great to hear your voice on the podcast. Exciting about the book's success!
Thanks for listening Kristen. I think you're wonderful at saying yes. Your children are having a golden childhood. I love you!