When you get a text from a writer friend offering sympathy that you’re the one scheduled to blog at Segullah tomorrow, you get a titch worried.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the Mormon blog world has kind of imploded lately over the Ordain Women movement and a woman named Kate Kelly. Wednesday’s post at Segullah addressed that topic. A subject upon which I hold fairly conservative opinions which I did not share there – only on my personal blog. And not in much detail. Because it’s a sensitive issue, I don’t like contention, my family is busy, my faith is secure, and I can’t afford to get derailed from our home life by the discussion. Nor do I want to derail others.
Knowing, however, that I would be the follow-up post to a rather conflicted thread of comments, all I could think was, We need something light, even frivolous. Something totally unrelated to the issue.
So, while I don’t mean to sound disinterested or uncaring, I do mean to diffuse with humor, and politely change the subject. Here it is: Laughs and a Bowl of Granola. Funny things the boys have been saying lately, followed by our favorite granola recipe, which I shared last summer on my blog.

And a tiny post script: I love my sisters at Segullah, even when we differ in opinion. I hope we can continue to move forward, celebrating and promoting our common faith in Jesus and His gospel.
It's a great post, Cath! And I count you as one of the greatest blessings of being invited to be part of the Segullah sisterhood!
cheryl cardall
perfect post to lighten the mood! I read some of the comments on the post before yours…yowzers! It's a heated topic for sure.
Grandma Honey
I had to come back and tell you that I made your granola 2 days ago and we LOVE it!! Thank you! The best we have ever had.