Let’s start with the cute. Here’s our crew. Decked out and ready to trick-or-treat on Halloween Evening. Sami as Little Bo Peep, Ali as Indian Girl, Eliza as a French Painter, Gordon as Captain America, and Spencer as Batman.
Here’s the not cute. In fact, it’s flat out unbecoming.

This is Friday, Halloween morning, about 3 AM in the ER. After waking with excruciating pain in my stomach and back. Followed by nausea. A repeat from Thursday morning when I experienced similar symptoms after taking the kids to school.
I was literally writhing on the floor while Gordon knelt by my head and said, “I’m going to say a prayer for you Mommy.” His prayer worked. Because I lost my breakfast in the toilet and the pain subsided. Weirdest episode ever. But since I felt better, I just went about the normal day. Didn’t even tell Doug about it.
By midnight however, I knew something was wrong. Considering the pain in my back, I wondered if it might be a kidney stone. I’ve never had one before so I got online, did some reading while I squirmed in my chair, then phoned my Dad. Bless his heart. He had just come off a midnight shift. But he was totally coherent when he answered the phone. “Hi dear,” he said. “What’s going on?” I told him I could hardly breathe I was in so much pain. We discussed details and he said, “Yep. Sounds like a kidney stone. I’m coming over. Wake Doug and tell him you need to go to the Emergency Room.”
Thankfully, the ER was quiet. We got right in and after a significant dose of morphine and tordal, followed by a CT scan to confirm the stone, we left with scripts for percocet and zofran, and instructions to moderate the pain, strain all my urine, and wait 48 hrs for it to pass.
Worst timing. I love Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday. The kids had their Halloween parade that morning, I was supposed to help with class parties. I had 25 mason jars in the car, plus supplies, all ready to go for a class craft. And now? I was going to lie in bed miserable, trying to get a handle on the incredible pain this miniscule stone was causing me.

Tell Eliza that I think her costume is the best of the bunch. So adorable! And I am very glad that you are feeling terrible. Barb is my least favorite Arvy!
Make that BETTER, very glad that you are feeling BETTER. Oops, where is my mind? Oh yeah, my 4 kids have stolen it!
Mom brain. Sadly, I find it rather consistent, even though we're out of the baby stage. Laughed at your typo. Just a subconscious retelling of how it was. Terrible! And I'll tell Eliza. That will make her smile. Love you Michelle.
Reading this makes me squirm with sympathy pain. SO glad you're feeling better! Looks like the kids had a happy halloween in spite of your misery.
Me too. And yes, thanks to Doug, the kids didn't miss much. Props to Daddy. You're a dear Shelley. xoxo
Monica Geary
Catherine! I am truly so sorry that you had to deal with the pain of a kidney stone– especially for your favorite Holiday. I am glad that you are doing well now and that your kids had such a wonderful Halloween aside from the fact!
Also I just wanted to let you know that you are such an inspiration to me. I have been reading back on your posts when your twins were younger (toddler age) and I love your honesty and the way that you make hard things beautiful. I truly look up to you and I am so grateful for your beautiful writing!
Darn it! I saw Doug and your cute kids at the parade and thought to ask Doug where you were. I was distracted by a class of kids coming by and didn't ask. I wish I would have so I could have helped you guys out! Your kids looked adorable. I especially loved Eliza's. Very creative. Glad things are back on track.
Awful! I'm so sorry. It's especially crummy to get sidelined on a holiday. I'm glad you're through it with your good attitude still in tact 🙂
Monica – you sweet lady. I love hearing from you. Hope you're hanging in there! Those WERE hard years. But so wonderful too. I'm mournful actually, that they're over. You're a tremendous Mom. Wish I could see those babies in person! xoxo
Lisa! Doug said he saw you at the school. I'm SO excited you have your daughter there! It will be so fun to connect there now and then. It's a wonderful place. I'm so happy we're there. How are you liking it?
Anne Marie – Oh dear lady. We've had quite the run. Stomach flu just a few days past the kidney stone. Then no heat for two days. When it rains… right? Still remembering with great gratitude our time together this summer. And meeting your darling boys. And your husband. What a wonderful family you've created. You remain a real light to me. Sending so much love this November.
Melinda – Definitely something I can laugh about now. But in the throes of no pain meds and hobbling into the ER, I swore I would never laugh again. At anyone. In any kind of pain. Ever. 🙂 Hoping you are well dear friend.