The boys have been anticipating their first “real” birthday party for half a year. Many discussions ensued regarding a theme, who to invite, and what to do. Although we didn’t work out the details until last month, just the idea of a party was big. When they were upset with us (or anyone else), the offender was immediately uninvited to their party. (I was uninvited several times.)
One day in the grocery store, an older gentleman teased one of the boys and Spencer didn’t find it funny. As we rolled to the end of the aisle, Spence tugged on my shirt and said, “He’s not invited to our birthday party.” I laughed out loud.
We worked through the uninviting thing and settled on a Superhero theme. But with two boys and two opinions, it was impossible to narrow it down to one Super. So we embraced them all!
My sister-in-law, Shirlee, crafted the invitation. When she saw me sitting down at the computer to print a handful of images I planned to cut and paste together, she stopped me and offered to do it on photoshop. Man! Am I grateful! Talk about saving the day! (And saving some time!) Thanks Shir.
So last Saturday, Doug mowed and readied the yard.
I finished up the Captain America cake. Fondent people. It doesn’t taste great, but it makes cakes like this super easy.
Ali set the tables all on her own. She did it better than I would.
As guests arrived, the boys experimented with the stomp rocket.
Love this picture of Michael airborne. Stomp rockets are our new favorite toy. Have you tried them? They launch up to 200 feet in the air!
Now I know, this is frightening. The tights and green fruit of the loom undies. Even now, I’m blushing as I type. I had to swallow some pride to dress up as Robin. But it was all for the cause. Because wherever you find Robin, you’re sure to find his buddy Batman, right? So… be on the look out.
And my sister Deb? She was amazing. Especially to wear her famous Wonder Woman costume. She hasn’t put it on in about 10 years. Right before we took this pic, she said, “I can’t breathe in this thing!”
What we do for our kiddos!
We set up three stations in the yard. Station 1?
The Hulk Smash
We spray-painted a bunch of boxes, had the boys put on hulk hands (which are awesome – you can find them on Amazon), and let the boys go nutso. They pounded the boxes to bits.
Check out that enormous fist.
Station 2?
Spiderman Web Catch!
Using silly string, the boys webbed all the evil villains hung up throughout the yard.
Even Spidey got a bit of his own weaponry.
Station 3?
Ironman Blast!
Knocking down paper cups with water guns.
Spence was dancing to tunes while waiting his turn.
Then we did an obstacle course.
Up the rope ladder, down the slide. Scramble over the tower of couch cushions. Weave in and out the cones. Stomp the rockets.
Karate chop the bad guy Eliza drew.
Crawl through the tunnel.
Pop a balloon with your bare hands. (Or teeth. If you dare.)
Then bust through a brick wall (okay, cardboard).
Lots of pics of Super Gus. He ran the course about ten times. With great determination and intensity.
Then we took down the Captain America piñata.
A small crowd of older neighbor kids began to gather on the backyard wall.
Then we stopped for cake, singing, and super hero wishes.
At this point, I asked the boys, “If you could meet any superhero, who would it be?” Top picks? Ironman, Spiderman, Captain A, and Batman.
I adore these sweet boys.
While they ate cake and ice cream, I went to check on our special guest. He was almost ready. I helped him don the last accessories then ran outside with the camera. Figuring he wasn’t far behind me, I kept watching for him to come down the stairs on the side of the house.
No black cape.
No black mask.
Suddenly, behind us, on top of the south wall, a shadowy figure rose to full stature, high above the boys.
“It’s Batman! It’s Batman!” they yelled.
Stretching his cape into full black wingspan, he sailed to the ground.
He kinda rolled his ankle and almost fell on his rumpus. (Left that photo out). But to my surprise, he made a remarkable recovery.
Pacing in and out of the boys, he ruffled hair and examined faces. Then he took a call from the Commissioner.
In his deep and husky Batman voice, he said, “The Jokers? Yes. I have them. They go by SJ and G-Bob. I’ll bring them in.”
He hefted the boys into the air.
Gave them a talking-to, while they just giggled and tweaked his nose, saying, “Daddy? Is that you? I can tell by your eyes.”
I always thought Doug would make the perfect Batman. His performance sailed beyond expectations.
Then he asked the kids in that same husky voice, “Who wants to race Batman?”
There was an uproar of squeals and cheers.
This moment was the highlight of the party. Racing Batman.
Nick finally busted a move and sprinted ahead, victorious!
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Don’t mess. We mean business.
Then just like that, Batman was gone. So we opened presents.
And handed out party favors.
Including these masks my friend Amy made. Talented girl. I had her follow some patterns my sister designed for a superhero party a couple years ago. You can find her on Etsy at The Bees Knees.
After Wonder Woman left in her invisible plane and all the mini Supers headed home, I kicked off my pinchy boots and picked up the boys, kissing them both on the cheek. Gordon wiped my kiss off with the back of his hand. Sigh. They’re definitely growing up.
Oh, I would do anything for these boys. Anything. Even dress up as Robin. Un-cute as it was. I hope they know that.
I smile when I hear them talk now. A small question mark still lingers in their mind as to who Batman was. (Doug denies all associations with the Dark Knight.) But the truth is, he’d do anything for them too.
It was a party we’ll remember for a long time. With super friends and super help. (Bec, Neil, Marilyn, Deb, Shir, Sarah, Kara). A league of real Superheroes. Celebrating two super boys.
Sarah holman
I love these pictures! No doubt this party was a blast.
AND I love that you sported the Robin briefs! It is pretty unnerving to walk around without pants on. 😉 Nicely done. I also love that Doug, I mean Batman, came over the wall. So awesome! You guys are great!
Pretty unnerving to walk around without pants on! Yes! You nailed it. That was precisely the discomfort! 🙂 Thanks again, though, for the costume. Still can't believe you made those vintage beauties. Love you Sarah!
Ah! This party looks SO fun! You are so awesome to dress up in fruit of the loom! If I had your legs I would too! Jack missed a heck of a party. And those favors were so great. Nick's face speeding past batman is perfect. I dub you and Doug the best party throwers!
Yes, I love Nick's face in that photo!
So classic! It turned out fabulous. We were sad to miss it, but ended up having strep throat the day of anyway. I laughed so hard to hear Batman rolled his ankle. Holy Rotten Forties Batman! Your costumes are fabulous! I love Gus's energy and concentration. Happy Birthday, Spence and Gordy!
Shir – I can't believe you were sick that weekend! You and/or the kids!? I hope it wasn't the same virus I had. I'd feel so bad if you got it from me! And Holy Rotten Forties? You are so. right. Our bodies betray us. Too funny. Also glad you noticed Gus's intensity. He was a crack-up! Miss you guys already. xo
Candice and Steve
You are so clever! That was a cute party with super cute pictures!
AMAZING pics! What lucky little boys to have you! Happy Birthday Spencer and Gordon!
Pure awesomeness Cath.
Anne Marie
This party is pure magic!! Wow! I love how you and your family totally got into the superhero roles. It looks incredible.